Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Electrolysis?
A: Electrolysis is the process of permanent hair removal by destroying every unwanted hair. Specifically a trained Electrologist inserts a very fine sterile probe into the hair follicle, and a small amount of electrical current is then delivered to the probe by an electronic device called an epilator. The current destroys the hair root either by heat, chemical action, or both methods at the same time. When this is competently and skillfully administered, the regenerative ability of the hair follicle is permanently eliminated. Each hair is lifted out as it’s treated and you will leave with bare skin!
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Q: Who can benefit from Electrolysis?
A: Both men and women seek electrolysis not only as a solution to the problem of unwanted hair growth, but as a convenience that frees them from the daily effort of maintaining a hair free look on the face and body. For many, electrolysis becomes a necessity, especially for those who were discouraged with the unsuccessful results of temporary hair removal methods such as laser, waxing, tweezing, shaving, bleaching, and depilatories.
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Q: How long has Electrolysis Been Used?
A: Electrolysis was discovered in 1875 by Dr. Charles Michel, an ophthalmologist who wanted a safe, effective way to remove ingrown eyelashes which frequently led to blindness. He discovered that the eyelash could be removed by inserting a fine wire into the hair follicle. This wire was charged by a battery. To his amazement the hair was permanently removed and never grew back. The method was soon adapted for treatment of excess hair on other parts of the body. From that day until the present, the same basic technique has been used, though it’s now even more effective and comfortable.
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Q: Which methods (modalities) are used by Absolutely Electrolysis Salon?
A: THERMOLYSIS: The primary method of hair removal used. Alternating current (AC) sometimes referred to as high frequency, radio frequency, or shortwave is used to create heat which destroys the hair follicle. One sterile probe is used.

GALVANIC: An alternate method. Direct current (DC) is used to initiate a chemical reaction to destroy the hair follicle. This method requires multiple sterile probes at one time.

BLEND: (also referred to as Dual Modality) both of the above currents are used simultaneously or sequentially to achieve dual action destruction of the hair follicle. This is an extremely effective method for treating wavy and curly hair as well as for sensitive skin.

The treatment provided by Absolutely Electrolysis Salon will be either thermolysis or the blend method depending on what is best for each client.

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Q: Why should I choose Electrolysis over other hair removal methods?
A: If you want permanent hair removal, electrolysis is the only way to achieve this goal. Electrolysis is the only form of permanent hair removal recognized by the American Medical Association, and the Food and Drug Association. Click here to see the AEA Position Statement on laser hair removal.

Keep in mind that you will be saving the hours and continuing expense over a lifetime of using other methods because electrolysis will remove the unwanted hair permanently.

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Q: What causes unwanted hair growth (hirsutism)?
A: There are many factors that can contribute to unwanted or superfluous hair growth. These factors include: heredity, endocrine system changes, medication, and normal physiological changes (puberty, pregnancy, and menopause) which can cause hormonal imbalances that can then result in unwanted hair growth.

In addition, stress can be a major contributing factor to hair growth. Any situation that sets off the adrenal glands can then trigger a hormonal reaction that can permanently cause fine soft hair to grow in as coarse and more noticeable dark hair.

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Q: When can I expect results?
A: Electrolysis requires a series of treatment given over a period of time. The length of time varies from person to person and is dependent on several factors. The density and coarseness of the hair, as well as the total area to be treated, are very important. How your hair responds to the treatments and the regularity of the treatments affect the overall success.

The cause of the unwanted hair and any temporary methods of dealing with the hair in the past are also factors in the treatment time. Some hairs will be permanently removed after the first treatment while some require additional treatment to achieve permanency.

Each hair is unique. Treatment will be more frequent in the beginning and less frequent as more hairs in the area are permanently destroyed. Therefore this time period will vary with each person. An individual treatment plan will be discussed at the end of the first visit. The overall results, permanent, hair-free skin, are well worth the time spent.

To summarize, the factors that determine the length of time necessary to completely remove all your unwanted hair:

  • The quantity and coarseness of hair to be removed
  • The type of hair you have - straight, wavy, or curly
  • What temporary methods of hair removal you have previously tried
  • The type of skin you have - normal, fine or super-sensitive
  • Your metabolic rate - how quickly your skin heals and how fast your hair regrows
  • The location of the hair (some areas must be treated more slowly than others)
  • The cause of your hair growth

The most effective procedure is frequent treatments at the start to clear areas and then slowing the frequency as we will just be treating regrowth.

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Q: Where can unwanted hair be removed from?
A: Unwanted hair can be safely removed from most areas of the body. The common areas would be: the hairline, eyebrows, upper and lower lip, cheeks, chin and neck. Other areas would include: arms and underarms, breasts, abdomen, bikini line, legs, toes, and fingers.

Men typically have hair removed from: the hairline, beard, lip line, shoulders and back, neck, chest, ears, eyebrows, and nose. The inside of the nose and ears cannot be treated.

Note that electrolysis is very helpful for treating ingrown hairs which frequently cause irritation in the beard and bikini area.

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Q: Does the Frequency of Treatment have a bearing on Success:
A: Absolutely! It is important for the client to participate in a planned program of electrolysis treatment that is tailored to the specific needs. Consistent treatment is the most important factor contributing to the success of reaching the goal of permanent hair removal. New growth and regrowth should be treated as soon as it appears as this is when it is most susceptible to being destroyed.
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Q: Are there Side Effects after an Electrolysis treatment?
A: An electrolysis treatment, like other medical procedures, does have a short healing phase. During this time, there may be transient redness, swelling, and pinpoint scabs. This is temporary and will promptly disappear. Side effects vary with the individual client and skin type. Both written and verbal post treatment care instructions will be given to you after your initial treatment. We can recommend specific products to assist with the healing process.
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Q: When is an Adolescent ready for Electrolysis?
A: There really is no definitive answer. Generally, it is based on the maturity level of the adolescent rather than a specific age. As electrolysis does involve a series of treatments to achieve permanency, the adolescent must be willing to agree to the treatment schedule. With the use of topical anesthetics, adolescents can receive very comfortable, effective, and permanent hair removal. Treatment is very successful as young teens have typically not used any temporary home hair removal methods.

In fact we have successfully treated many teens and preteens. An advantage to this early treatment is that they have not used any temporary methods which only cause coarser hair to grow. It’s not uncommon for a former client to bring her own daughter in to prevent the uncomfortable teasing that might occur from classmates.

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Q: How is the treatment priced?
A: Fees depend on the length of the individual treatment and are based on an hourly rate. Electrolysis, because it is permanent, will give you the freedom from unwanted hair for a lifetime and obviously is less expensive in the long run over temporary methods. An individual electrologists’ fee will be based on experience, education, and ability as well as the equipment used.
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Q: Why are you using the Apilus Platinum Epilator:
A: We are now offering electrolysis treatment with the Apilus Platinum 27MHz epilator. This new technology has revolutionized the electrolysis industry and is twice as fast and is more comfortable than any other device on the market. See for yourself how COMFORTABLE and QUICK permanent hair removal can be! In fact this office has always prided itself on using the latest equipment which is upgraded as the technology advances.
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Q: How does Electrolysis feel?
A: Whether there is any discomfort during electrolysis is highly individual depending on the client’s tolerance. During the treatment a definite sensation might be noticed. It has been described as a “slight heat”, “tingling”, or a “stinging” sensation. There are a wide variety of topical anesthetics that can be used to minimize any discomfort. Some clients find that applying a topical anesthetic prior to treatment is very effective. Your comfort is one of the main priorities of treatment, and this office is committed to making your experience as pleasant as possible. Topical anesthetics are liberally applied prior to the treatment. For those who are more sensitive an anesthetic can be applied prior to your office visit. Please see preferred products page.
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Q: What should I look for in an Electrologist?
A: The Electrologist you select will:

Request a personal and medical history. Questions about medications, medical conditions, and skin sensitivities are all appropriate.

Provide you with a clear explanation of what will happen at each visit. It is important for a successful outcome that you fully understand the complete process. Be able to recommend a treatment schedule. While the total time for complete treatment is not known, following this will ensure complete results in the shortest time possible.

Follow the guidelines of the American Electrology Association (AEA) for sterilization which conform to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health.

Observe cleanliness and professional procedures both in the office environment and personally.

Consistently participate in continuing education programs.
Be informed and willing to answer appropriate questions on their qualifications, background and procedures.

Be a Certified Professional Electrologist (CPE) which signifies that the electrologist's knowledge has been tested and measured against a national standard of excellence.

Be a Licensed Electrologist which is now mandatory in Illinois as of July 2006. This can and should be checked on

A prospective client seeking treatment should inquire about the methods of sterilization of equipment, use of sterile disposable probes, and use of gloves and masks. Like any other medical procedure, certain standards of care are required. Strict sanitation procedures are followed in this office. Other questions to ask include: What professional organizations do you belong to? What is your educational background? Are you Board Certified? Are you state licensed? How do you receive your continuing education? What types of continuing education classes have you attended in the past year? Do you attend the AEA and EAI educational seminars? Are you an active board member with these associations?

Keep in mind that the electrologist should feel comfortable giving honest answers about her practices.

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