Change Management
Are you tired of wasting precious time, money and energy on “programs of the year” without any real and sustained results for your team or organization? Many leaders like you are experiencing the same gridlock and pain, frustrated by change initiatives that don’t work, don’t last, and cause tension at all levels of the organization. And, even though you may feel stuck and desperate for a “new way,” you may also be hesitant to hire a consultant, because of disappointing experiences from the past.

In today’s business environment, you can’t afford to leave results to chance. For change that makes a bottom line difference, into the future, we need to study and apply the critical success and failure factors in change. And we have. Learn more…

Leadership Development
As a leader, are you feeling frustrated and discouraged that even your best efforts are not leading to the impact and improvement you want for your team and organization? Have you invested in expensive and time-consuming leadership development programs in the past without any real and lasting results for your people?

Many leaders today are not only highly educated but they’ve taken class after class in order to lead change more effectively. In spite of all that energy and effort, successfully leading teams through change remains a struggle. As a result, you may be asking yourself: What’s missing? What I am I not getting? What am I doing wrong? Learn more…

Team Development
Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to get your people on board with the necessary changes your company needs to execute and be more productive and profitable? Is your team struggling to lead the changes it’s been tasked with, experiencing conflict, breakdown, or just not getting the traction it needs?

Even though they may want to contribute, your people may not be on the same page with your vision and strategies. When your people are not aligned or invested in what needs to happen, solutions won’t stick and you as a leader will become increasingly frustrated trying to force an outcome that team members don’t see, recognize or value. Learn more…

Case Studies
At Change Catalysts, over 90% of our business reliably comes from repeat work with past clients and referrals from satisfied customers. We have worked with small systems of less than twenty employees as well as multinational Fortune 50 firms, spanning multiple industries from manufacturing to healthcare to high tech to energy to retail. We have experience in dealing with entire corporations, with individual business units, and cross-functional project teams. Read our Case Studies to Learn more…